~Miss Pompom~
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Saturday 6 April 2013 | 09:42 | 0 comments
SALAM..hai semua pembaca setia blog miss pom pom...sorry sangat-sangat sebab lama tak uptade blog disebabkan banyak event kene arrange..tapi alhamdulillah larh malam ni miss pom pom ambik sedikit masa nak share dengan kawan-kawan miss pom pom semua..korunk dah baca kan tajuk blog miss pom pom kali ni"saya bakal menjadi doktor",hehe..actually,bukan pown..tapi disebabkan miss pom pom belajar semua subjek dah macam ala-ala doktor..yang miss pom pom maksudkan ialan event yang baru berlangsung pada hari Jumaat(kelmarin)& Sabtu(hari ini)...so,pada hari Jumaat miss pom pom attend strapping and massage course..pada yang dah tahu mesti korunk one of sport science student of medical..miss pom pom cerita sikit yep..first,strapping ni macam korunk tengok yang dalam game player ada balut-balut dekat bahagian badan dia,yang basic warna putih,yang korunk tengok atlit yang pakai warna-warni tu kinesthetic tape yang macam ini..
yang ini strapping biasa
 as sport science student miss pom pom kena larh ambik tahu semua pasal ni sebab nanti miss pom pom kene ateend game untuk recover game masa tu..kalau knowledge tak ada so nanti susah nak rawat or buat treatment untuk patient miss pom pom pulak kan..so, this is the benefit of using strapping
  • Aid healing of part of injuries.
  • Allow an earlier return to sport or activity following injury.
  • Reduce the likelihood of injury aggravation.
  • Prevent shoulder injuries (such as a dislocated shoulder or AC joint sprain) during high risk activities or contact sports (such as Australian Rules Football, Rugby etc.).
 this is how to wear a strapping in a good position:
1.  Locate Troubled Area on the Joints
2. Aim To Avoid Injury
3. Tape in one Direction
4.   Not too Tight
5.  Even Strapping Tape Overlap
ukey,kalau korunk semua tak faham boleh larh tanya miss pom pom ukey..sekarang miss pom pom nak tunjuk sikit larh gambar-gambar bengkel strapping..tadaaaa........
sesi praktikal with cweety cadbury

cweety cadbury,my yayunk,, ;)
haa,ni larh hasil strapping miss pom pom and cweet cadbury..

miss pom pom tekun praktikal,hehe..

model miss pom pom,cweety cadbury..

action macam sakit larh konon kan,ACL..

orait,the station is massage course..massage  is the manipulation of superficial and deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue using various techniques, to enhance function, aid in the healing process, decrease muscle reflex activity, inhibit motor-neuron excitability,promote relaxation and well-being, and as a recreational activity...dalam erti kata yang mudah paham,masaage ini more on relaxation techniques bila muscle kita semua dah sakit atau untuk hilangkan stress..untuk budak sport science macam miss pom pom menda ni semua penting..jom,tengok sesi massage pulak,scroll down...

sesi praktikal dengan classmate

bincang apa tu korunk??

miss pom pom di massage oleh cweety cadbury..siyez,bestt..macam nak zzz"..

buat elok-elok yep kawan semua..

mereka yang ingin menimba ilmu

abang-abang taugh..

miss pom pom and the geng,hehe..

 ALHAMDULILLAH, habis sudah satu event untuk hari jumaat..so, the next day is CPR course..CPR is the short form of CARDIOPULMONARY RESUSCITATION... Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a lifesaving technique useful in many emergencies, including heart attack or near drowning, in which someone's breathing or heartbeat has stopped.. kalau korunk nak tahu CPR yang lebih detail click sini CPR ni pown penting untuk kami semua,mana larh tahu kan masa nak incharge event tiba-tiba ada atlit pengsan or sesak nafas so miss pom pom kena larh buat..CPR ni bukan sembarangan orang taw nak buat..kalau nak buat kena ada sijil yang diiktirafkan..untuk dapatkan sijil korunk kene attend ceramah selama 9-10 jam jugak larh..bukan senang taw sebab nanti korunk semua akan dinilai pulak melalui praktikal berseorangan taw..kalau gagal kene buat sekali lagi sampai lulus..so,just scroll down kalau nak tengok macam mana miss pom pom buat CPR,hehe...
miss pom pom vs cweet cadbury

beg percuma dapar masa pendaftaran..comey kan?.
penceramah daripada Hospital Temerloh
sesi praktikal

abang-abang taugh  tenagah praktikal CPR

my senior an their praktikal CPR

sesi lecturer with student

model jadi mangsa shocking
macam ni larh caranya

penerangan yang jelas..

sesi jadi model,hehe..
how to leave patient in a good position

tengah gelisah kew akak-aka senior,hehe..
pasang telinga semua kawan-kawan
menunggu turn untuk diuji..

DR miss pom pom on work,hehe...

semua dah dapat sijil
sport science student 1.0 and 2.0
ALHAMDULILLAH,semua event perjalan dengan lancar selama 2 hari berturut-turut..syabas dan tahniah semu untuk semua kawan-kawan miss pom pom yang mana dah bertungkus lumus dah siapkan event ni..awesome beb korunk semua..hah,ni larh kisah miss pom pom yang konon-konon nak jadi doktor,hehe..layak tak jadi doktor miss pom pom ni yep?? :) ...sampai sini jew kowt celoteh miss pom pom..jam menunjukkan dah pukul 12.41 am..so,miss pom pom dah mengantuk,hehe..opssss,lupa nak bagitahu, korunk semua yang mana nak tahu pasal ni semua boleh larh tanya k..sayang korunk semua..k,gotta go..SARANGHAE.. ^_^

Tuan Empunya Tanah
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my name is SITI NOT ATIQAH BINTI HALIM..aka miss pom pom @ eyqapinky..i am 22..studying bachelor of sport science at UITM JENGKA,PAHANG..i am the crazy, retarded girl who enjoys laughing and the pleasures of the world :) :::Revenge? Nah I dont need revenge, I just plan to sit here and watch your life fall apart on its own....:::: *Pain makes me stronger, tears makes me braver, heartbreak makes me wiser, so i thank the past for a better future *Dont live in hatred. Its hurt~ But live to move forward. Make ur life meaningful to urself. A devotion to our creator * i'm just a simple girl. . . nothing special about me. . .

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